Friday, May 31, 2013

Artsy-Fartsy stuff!!...

Actually, both the "Galleria Academia" and Uffizi were enjoyable.  Academia is where the most  famous David is located and that's why it is crowded. It is small, we took our time and listened to an audio guide we had and were done in under two hours.

Then we went to is more ART/paintings but the history side of it all was interesting. They dont want you taking pics either place but we snuck in a couple including an old piano (harpsichord) for Mama.

Tomorrow is a down day to wander and then Sunday we're off for a Vespa tour of the country side.


  1. Vespa? As in Vespa Scooter? If so I want Steph to get picture of you on one in scarf cap goggles gloves and leather vest!!! Think they top out at 30 mph !!! Ha !!! little too slow for you. HA !!! This is all real good!!! Thanks for doing the blog for everybody!!! Whats the bottom picture??? Mary with Jesus???? thanks - Jimmy

  2. The bottom pic is Donatello's "Judith slaying Holofernes"...its a copy the original is inside the museum.

    As for our scooter tour, we're headed to a flea market type shop today to look for stuff!! LOL
