Saturday, June 1, 2013

More Friday pics

This is a better view of the people on top of the cupola of the Duomo taken from the coffee shop on the 3rd floor of the Uffizi.

 This is a view taken from the hall on the third floor of the Uffizi looking back to our piazza....the tower is the one at Palazzo Vecchio that we have posted before...the Uffizi goes down both sides in this pic. If you ever visit Florence you need to do more research ahead of time than what we did there are TONS of stuff to see.

The two below are "Cellini: Perseus"...??  That's all I's on our square or piazza on the porch in front of the Uffizi...

 This is on the same porch and it is Menelaus supporting the body of Patroclus.

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