Sunday, June 9, 2013

from home.....

We managed to make it home today....thought I'd do a closing post

Friday, June 7, 2013

Capri pics..

..we prob took more pics here than the whole rest of the trip....

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Same old Steph whatever continent we are on.

Yesterday when we got on the ferry to go to Capri I told steph I was gonna stay on back outside with our bags . She went inside to find the bathroom and I figured she'd be back out soon. There are seats inside and when I looked inside I was absolutely SHOCKED to see her sitting running her mouth with someone!! LOL

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

We made it to capri....

..alive.....barely!!  Steph got some video from our bus ride up....we step out of our room to this view......

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

We had time

So we had lunch and dinner with the pasta Nazi!  Lunch was nice a cpl salads and bruschetta pomodora ....dinner was awesome!!  Started with appetizer of octopus done two ways..both ways work and we both splattered octopus juice everywhere!!

Then we had pasta with clam n mussels that was super...after that we had grilled sword fish then finished off with some chocolately pie stuff that steph thought was awesome...

We got pics with the brothers and their dad on the way out.

The Pasta Nazi!

We followed the recommendation from Trip Advisor and ate a an old (since 1825) family restaurant called Mimi's last night. The owner is 77 and has had heart work done so his three sons run it now and the Dad shows you to your seat.

Roberto is the son who speaks English so he does most of the order taking....and he WILL tell you what to eat and what not to eat with other stuff!!  If you remember the Soup Nazi character from Seinfeld, this guy is him but with a little personality...he is proud of their food and enjoys telling you about it. I asked for coffee when Steph ordered dessert and he told me no, and then brought me three different liquor drinks to try.....none of which were on our bill, he just wanted me to try them.

If we have three hours to spend at dinner tonight we will go back again, it was all awesome.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Sunday, June 2, 2013

....motoring through the hill country....

...on our 50cc mopeds....... :)

 ....we took a van from town up to the castle which was built in the 10th century as a lookout for to protect Florence from Sienna.... it's a winery and olive oil in addition to being the home of the same family who bought it in 1199..
 ..the stones above used to be how they mashed the oil  out of the olives...
the small oak barrels behind me have a sweet "dessert wine" aging in them. The good table wine ages in newer and larger barrels and they come from France. 

 ..this is Allissio setting up our wine and olive oil tasting....
..and this is Steph...excited to have found her spiritual home... di San Pancrazio!!

This was an awesome trip, wish we'd done it our first day here.....if we had we'd have gotten out of town more!

Up and out earlyto

We made it up the hill......

....but somebody could put in a sky chair lift and get rich!! the side of the hill away from the RV campground!!

 ..the nearest bridge is the Ponte Vecchio that has shops on it....
..the tower between our heads is where our room is.

We are headed out in a few minutes for our VESPA TOUR OF TUSCANY.....should be some nice pics. We are supposed to visit a castle, a winery, an olive oil place, and have a "hearty tuscan lunch"...LOL

Our "leisure day" wandering.....prob walked over 5 miles!!

We left Sat am and went East to a flea market....that's in the square where I had the omelette. Steph had the idea of getting some old post cards and trying to copy the pic and then put together a scrap book with the post cards and prints of our pics...we found the post cards here....

THEN we came back to our room  and I had a nap then we walked to a diff market and on by the train station and back to the room....I got a hat and Steph got a purse and some linen stuff at the market.  We made the mistake of assuming the streets ran parallel and kinda took the long way back....

 below is another pic from our square....tooooooo damn many foreigners in Florence!!
 ..and to finish the day...our goal is to cross the river and get on top of this hill which is Piazzale Michaelangelo...

Saturday, June 1, 2013


I still ain't found grits but this spinach n cream cheese omelette wasn't bad!

More Friday pics

This is a better view of the people on top of the cupola of the Duomo taken from the coffee shop on the 3rd floor of the Uffizi.

 This is a view taken from the hall on the third floor of the Uffizi looking back to our piazza....the tower is the one at Palazzo Vecchio that we have posted before...the Uffizi goes down both sides in this pic. If you ever visit Florence you need to do more research ahead of time than what we did there are TONS of stuff to see.

The two below are "Cellini: Perseus"...??  That's all I's on our square or piazza on the porch in front of the Uffizi...

 This is on the same porch and it is Menelaus supporting the body of Patroclus.