Sunday, June 2, 2013

Our "leisure day" wandering.....prob walked over 5 miles!!

We left Sat am and went East to a flea market....that's in the square where I had the omelette. Steph had the idea of getting some old post cards and trying to copy the pic and then put together a scrap book with the post cards and prints of our pics...we found the post cards here....

THEN we came back to our room  and I had a nap then we walked to a diff market and on by the train station and back to the room....I got a hat and Steph got a purse and some linen stuff at the market.  We made the mistake of assuming the streets ran parallel and kinda took the long way back....

 below is another pic from our square....tooooooo damn many foreigners in Florence!!
 ..and to finish the day...our goal is to cross the river and get on top of this hill which is Piazzale Michaelangelo...

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