Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Pasta Nazi!

We followed the recommendation from Trip Advisor and ate a an old (since 1825) family restaurant called Mimi's last night. The owner is 77 and has had heart work done so his three sons run it now and the Dad shows you to your seat.

Roberto is the son who speaks English so he does most of the order taking....and he WILL tell you what to eat and what not to eat with other stuff!!  If you remember the Soup Nazi character from Seinfeld, this guy is him but with a little personality...he is proud of their food and enjoys telling you about it. I asked for coffee when Steph ordered dessert and he told me no, and then brought me three different liquor drinks to try.....none of which were on our bill, he just wanted me to try them.

If we have three hours to spend at dinner tonight we will go back again, it was all awesome.

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